I'm curious what you do with clients who haven't been able to get you the appropriate documentation for filing a return by the deadline. Do you file anyhow and then amend? I don't like putting my name to something that is not complete. Do you perhaps give what you've got to them without your name on it, clearly documenting it is not complete? I read in a previous thread where one preparer suggested filing with adequate disclosure -would you put disclosure in with the return to be filed or would that be disclosure to the client? How would you word such disclosure? I found this online perhaps it would be appropriate as a statement attached to the return
"This return is based on incomplete records. Estimates were used to determine the amount of expenses. Should records or new information become available to the taxpayer at a later date indicating that the information included in this return is materially incorrect, the taxpayer will immediately file an amended tax return to correct this filing."
I have to give a client some tax returns today for a bankruptcy filing but they are not complete in that I'm missing deductions for interest and mileage -I'm pretty sure the income is reported correctly, not so sure of the deductions. I have to give her something. I'm leaning towards giving her the returns without my name on them. I will bill her for assembling the information but not tax return preparation. I will clearly state the returns are not complete.
I've got to learn to be more of a hard ball and learn to say "no"...I'm making a clients problems mine.
"This return is based on incomplete records. Estimates were used to determine the amount of expenses. Should records or new information become available to the taxpayer at a later date indicating that the information included in this return is materially incorrect, the taxpayer will immediately file an amended tax return to correct this filing."
I have to give a client some tax returns today for a bankruptcy filing but they are not complete in that I'm missing deductions for interest and mileage -I'm pretty sure the income is reported correctly, not so sure of the deductions. I have to give her something. I'm leaning towards giving her the returns without my name on them. I will bill her for assembling the information but not tax return preparation. I will clearly state the returns are not complete.
I've got to learn to be more of a hard ball and learn to say "no"...I'm making a clients problems mine.