We use credit cards but pay them off every month. Most everything is put on Discover and now we have started paying things like the cable bill on discover. It took a long time to convince my husband that it was easier to just have to write one check every month than the 10 at the grocery store during the month. Now he even pays discover online. Discover cashback paid for part of our cruise in December. YAA!!!!!!
Car loans are a necessity at times. My husband will retire in April and he wanted us to have 2 newer cars that would last for quite a while. So we have had car loans for the last 3 years probably. House is paid off. So when he retires, the only monthly bills we will have will be the necessities.
It is nice not to pay interest on credit cards. But for some young families that are struggling to get by, they have been a necessity, but still with draw backs.
Car loans are a necessity at times. My husband will retire in April and he wanted us to have 2 newer cars that would last for quite a while. So we have had car loans for the last 3 years probably. House is paid off. So when he retires, the only monthly bills we will have will be the necessities.
It is nice not to pay interest on credit cards. But for some young families that are struggling to get by, they have been a necessity, but still with draw backs.