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California tax rates for 2010 announced

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    California tax rates for 2010 announced

    The California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) recently published that state's tax rate brackets for the year 2010. The rates may be viewed here:

    The table also lists the 2010 personal exemptions and standard deduction amounts for 2010 as well as other information.

    According to the FTB, the California inflation rate during the index period was 0.9%, so everything was increased by that amount.
    Roland Slugg
    "I do what I can."


    Interesting chart, Mr. Slugg, and particular the announcement that there was 0.9% inflation.

    You have to wonder with nearly 60% of ALL U.S. WORKERS earning LESS than they did 2 years ago how much longer the big institutional corporations and governments can continue to raise prices and costs. Especially in California - one wonders what can stem the tide of people leaving for this very reason.

    Seems like only yesterday that Arnold Schwarzneggar (perceived at that time to be a stalwart conservative) was telling people that Gov Grey Davis should be "recalled" because of the $38 Billion deficit. Wonder what their deficit is this year?

