I'm curious. I work out of my home office. When I go on vacation I never know what to do with my answering machine message. I hate to announce to the world "I"m out of the country ..won't be back until" -seems like an invitation to be robbed, so, I don't change it. However when I come back I get messages like "I"ve already left 2 messages this week...please call ASAP", or a full voicemail box...
What answering machine message do you leave? I'm thinking of maybe saying "my office will be closed from X to Y -Please call after Y and I'll be available to take your call or leave a message and I'll return it when I'm back in the office". Do you think this would be appropriate? Or do you think it still says " rob me!"
What answering machine message do you leave? I'm thinking of maybe saying "my office will be closed from X to Y -Please call after Y and I'll be available to take your call or leave a message and I'll return it when I'm back in the office". Do you think this would be appropriate? Or do you think it still says " rob me!"