One person Scorp.
Net income for 2009 = $8000
Beg RE for 2009 = $92000
Total = 100,000
Distribution in 2009 is 125,000. ($25,000 excess)
Is it o.k.?
(1) Excess distribution......treat as capital gain on sch D for 2009 and pay tax on personal return
(2) Create as loan to Shareholder (AR for corporation)
Client will payback in 2010
Something else?
Net income for 2009 = $8000
Beg RE for 2009 = $92000
Total = 100,000
Distribution in 2009 is 125,000. ($25,000 excess)
Is it o.k.?
(1) Excess distribution......treat as capital gain on sch D for 2009 and pay tax on personal return
(2) Create as loan to Shareholder (AR for corporation)
Client will payback in 2010
Something else?