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Amending Hoh

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    Amending Hoh

    I am amending a return someone prepared themselves. They filed Hoh when they were actually married . Wife did the return and did not work throughout the year, so she did not put herself down anywhere. So. on the 1040 X should I put her down as the spouse on name section or just under the explanation of change with her ss#?

    Amending HOH

    With our program, It is necessary to reconstruct the incorrrect return as if you had done it. It must be as exact to the original as possible. Sometimes fun, and sometimes PIA! Then click on "Install original to X (or some such terminology). Then and only then do you make corrections to the original (including name of spouse). Good luck. Let us know how you get along...........Ed



      I think the name section should be the way it would be as done right. So, yes, she will appear there now on the 1040X even if she did not on original.


        Here is the way I do it.
        Enter the original return as self prepared and put all line amounts as they show on the original return.
        Save the return.
        Next step is to save as using client's last name and 1040X. Close return and from home base open the return you saved as the 1040X.
        Go to the state return and select the amended form put the tax year on it. This will cause all the original return figures to transfer to the amended form.
        Go back to the 1040 and select the 1040X, put the year on it and it will transfer all the original figures.
        Now you are ready to amend the return. Go to the client information sheet and enter all information as it should be (wife as spouse). Change HH to MFJ. Change self-prepared to you. Make any other necessary corrections in their respective forms,
        Your reason for amending which you state on the 1040X would be "To correct self-prepared return filing status from HOH to MFJ".
        Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.

