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Sign Off Letters

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    Sign Off Letters

    I have a client that is a little miffed at me because I called and told her I could not do their return. Potential problems with the business return I don't want to be involved in. She is mad because she said I should have told her two weeks ago.

    Well I am just wondering if any of you get ex-client's sign off on a letter when they come to get their paper work? If so could you please share it.
    Last edited by geekgirldany; 04-23-2010, 03:31 PM.

    I have a simple form on letterhead listing what the client received. A place for them to sign and date. I actually do this more for myself than for the client, so I will remember what happened and what the client actually got back.


      Thanks so much Sandy. That is really a good idea. I scanned most of the forms in except a folder that had binding on it.


        I have a "dear john" letter you could add the client docs as an "enclosed" list and mail it to them. Email me if you want a copy.

        How long ago did they give you their documents?
        Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


          Thanks so much. Email sent.

          Well long story and rant...(please don't quote this)

          She brought the documents in on March 29. After discussing the business and personal, the client says she bought another biz with a relative. Add on to that some problems with that biz. To keep it short... relatives in a business together.... does not always go well.
          Last edited by geekgirldany; 04-24-2010, 03:22 PM.

