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Negative Partnership Basis

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    Negative Partnership Basis

    I'm doing a tax return where one partner has a negative basis (partnership has small losses each year). In 2009 this partner married the other partner. The partner with the negative basis does not work outside of the partnership.

    Can I divide the capital contributed to the partnership in 2009 equally or should I allocate it to the partner who has the outside income? I asked the partners who contributed what but since they co-mingle their finances they have no idea.

    Partnership Agreement

    What does their partnership agreement say about making additional contributions as needed to cover expenses? Are they 50/50 for ownership, profit, and loss? Did the funds paid in come from a joint account? Do they care? You might suggest the one with the negative basis contribute monies. Let them make the call.


      I don't believe they have a written agreement-but the partnership is 70/30 (the one with no basis is the smaller partnership interest). Funds came from joint account. Do they care? No.



        I'd probably make contributions from the negative basis partner to get him/her positive again and then in whatever proportion needed to move closer to their 70/30 split. But, I'd suggest that to them and still require them to make the call. You don't want to get blamed for unequal ownership if/when they divorce!

