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    Of course I'll let everyone know when I change my username.

    Bart I saw that fellow myself. There was a pretty good show on tv the other night about the "lottery curse". So many they actually made three shows. Really sad to see what happened to these people that got so much money they did not know what to do with it.


      change name

      You do have to call in and ask them to change your name. I did it because when I started I was just using my name and decided I wanted to be a little less "obvious". They were very nice to do so.

      But I agree....please let me know your new handle so I will know it is you.

      I want you all to know that I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if someone seems a little grouchy with a post, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are having a really bad day.

      I have learned so much and really depend on all of you when I need some help. Sometimes I read posts but don't have time to answer any of them. But I am usually checking in at least weekly during the off season and more often during season.

      Thanks to all of you.

      Linda F

