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Two Good Things I would like to share.

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    Two Good Things I would like to share.

    I just bought an AT & T Model 1739 Digital telephone answering machine from Best Buy which cost me $16.99 on sale. Normally it costs about $10 more. I have used several other answering machines which were OK but this new one is the BEST. You can press a button and it will SLOW down the message in those cases where they talk too fast. I highly recommend it. You MUST push the CLOCK button AGAIN after you set the time otherwise it will not answer incoming calls.
    I have the answering machine answer ALL of my incoming calls after April 15 and I can pick up the telephone if I wish. This eliminates the sales calls and other undesired calls.

    The next thing I am excited about is a book entitled: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. I have seen this at the book store or yard sales. I do NOT like the title but it DOES fit the subject matter and maybe it prevents the jerks from buying it. However instead of one Forward there are 39 people in 7 pages praising the book. So far since I received it yesterday I have only read 94 pages and I believe it is the BEST book I have ever read except for the Bible. I found mine on ebay for $4.95 including postage although the list price is $25.
    Last edited by dyne; 04-20-2010, 11:09 AM. Reason: more info


    Originally posted by dyne View Post
    I have only read 94 pages and I believe it is the BEST book I have ever read except for the Bible.
    I love this comment, dyne. I will re-read "7 Habits" soon. I had forgotten that book. Also, you reminded me that I have neglected my Bible reading, and that book IS living and power FULL. Thank you. Other books I like are "The Millionare Next Door" and "The Purpose Driven Life".

    My tip: I try to prepay little bills a few months ahead, like the water bill, phone, (anything I can), in December, so I don't have to spend time on those during tax season. It has also saved me some late fees, cause invariably I forget to pay something in March.
    If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.


      dyne and RitaB:

      Covey is good, but after you finish Covery's book, please do yourself a real favor and read "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Best productivity book ever written, IMHO, because it can be applied immediately - even while you're still reading the book.

      David Allen's ideas changed the way I work and in my opinion increased my earnings by thousands of dollars (not an exaggeration). His concepts are not for everyone, but if they catch on with you I can guarantee you'll spend the rest of your life trying to achieve the "Mind Like Water" state he describes.

      And of course I totally agree with both of you that reading & studying The Bible trumps everything else.
      Last edited by JohnH; 04-20-2010, 09:40 AM.
      "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


        I bought it

        Originally posted by JohnH View Post
        dyne and RitaB:

        Covey is good, but after you finish Covery's book, please do yourself a real favor and read "Getting Things Done" by David Allen.
        I think you recommended this last year. I bought it and I NEVER GOT AROUND to reading it. LOL. Guess I have A LOT of reading to do.
        If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.


          Next Action Steps (for Rita) :

          1) Remove "Getting Things Done" from "Someday/Maybe" context list to "Do" List
          2) Read 1 Chapter per day
          3) Apply something immediately after reading each chapter

          After you begin the book, the above will make even more sense.
          "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


            THANK YOU to all who have or will respond. The BEST book I ever found, other than
            the Bible and 7 habits of Effective People is: Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz.
            Do NOT let the title scare you off. It is very easy reading. It was written by a plastic
            surgeon who discovered that many people after undergoing plastic surgery continued to
            have a bad attitude. His book is especially for people who do NOT have a lot of confidence,
            like myself. For years I bought these books and GAVE them away free! I HIGHLY
            recommend that you obtain this book (which is on ebay) and read it. I will obtain the
            books you recommend and read them. My favorite quote from the Bible is: Luke 19:40
            where the Pharasees tell Jesus to stop his followers from praising him. He replied
            If these keep quiet the very stones will cry out in praise of me. That is from my memory.
            Thanks again. Best wishes. Fred or dyne.
            Last edited by dyne; 04-20-2010, 11:17 AM. Reason: more info


              Ordered both books today

              Originally posted by JohnH View Post
              Next Action Steps (for Rita) :

              1) Remove "Getting Things Done" from "Someday/Maybe" context list to "Do" List
              2) Read 1 Chapter per day
              3) Apply something immediately after reading each chapter

              After you begin the book, the above will make even more sense.
              I too, will heed this advise. I ordered this and "7 Habits..." today!

              And, of course, I keep my Bible handy and opened! =)
              "I am proud to pay taxes in the United States. The only thing is I could be just as proud for half the money." Arthur Godfrey

