Client, individual return has W-2 of $86,122.
Filing Status: Single
Following on 1040
Line 21: (375,615) - NOL from previous year
Line 22: (289,493)
AGI = (289,493)
Std Deduction = 5,700
Line 43: Taxable income = 0.00
Tax = 0.00
BUT line 45 has AMT of $10,250. I do not understand why? (Using Drake software)
Filing Status: Single
Following on 1040
Line 21: (375,615) - NOL from previous year
Line 22: (289,493)
AGI = (289,493)
Std Deduction = 5,700
Line 43: Taxable income = 0.00
Tax = 0.00
BUT line 45 has AMT of $10,250. I do not understand why? (Using Drake software)