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Rental treated as one activity

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    Rental treated as one activity

    What are the advantages of treating several rental properties as one activity vs the disadvantages

    Originally posted by Donanita View Post
    What are the advantages of treating several rental properties as one activity vs the disadvantages
    I only know one each.

    Advantage: Easier to fulfill the material participation test.

    Disadvantage: All losses are locked in until last piece of properties is sold.


      Disadvantage: All losses are locked in until last piece of properties is sold.[/QUOTE]

      So gains are not netted against the losses until the properties ard sold.
      Client has some gains & some losses. Total number of rentals is 12


        Originally posted by Donanita View Post
        Disadvantage: All losses are locked in until last piece of properties is sold.
        So gains are not netted against the losses until the properties ard sold.
        Client has some gains & some losses. Total number of rentals is 12[/QUOTE]

        The losses I was talking about are losses that are available only upon sale of a property. Current year losses/gains are not effected.

