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Revisit name reversal

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    Revisit name reversal

    Lion, the Practitioner Priority Number worked with only a ten minute wait. The person answering didn't think there would be a problem. Thanks for the number.

    I hope it works out well

    I gotta tell you, they had all kinds of trouble with a married couple I have because I flip-flopped the spouse and taxpayer names from one year to the next. Unbelievable. In 2007, Wifey had filed MFS, then wanted me to amend to MFJ to add Hubby's info. So, Wifey was taxpayer. The next year, 2008, I prepared the MFJ return with Hubby as taxpayer. Chaos. Who knew?

    Sorry, that was not very encouraging. Hope your issue works out well, and since you have alerted them, maybe everything will go smoothly.
    If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.


      Thank YOU

      I had a big client chewing me out yesterday (he thought I'd been less than professional to one of his new clients) and was in a really bad mood. I received a couple of thank you's on this board and a couple of thank you's from a new client of mine. They REALLY helped me move on. Thank you for letting me know how it worked out and also for your thank you that came at a much needed time!



        Please forgive my ignorance. I don't understand how doing his taxes had anything to do with one of HIS clients. Not any of my business but as one of the tv programs used to say
        "Inquiring minds want to know."

        Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


          Sorry to hear

          Originally posted by Lion View Post
          I had a big client chewing me out yesterday (he thought I'd been less than professional to one of his new clients) and was in a really bad mood. I received a couple of thank you's on this board and a couple of thank you's from a new client of mine. They REALLY helped me move on. Thank you for letting me know how it worked out and also for your thank you that came at a much needed time!
          of the encounter. Hope things go better from now on.


            Bookkeeping, too

            I prepare the company's Form 1120-S but also do his bookkeeping during the year and he has me on site an afternoon a week to send out invoices, chase slow payers, etc. Apparently, he has given the impression that I'm a full-time employee and not just a part-time independent contractor doing bookkeeping and taxes for a variety of my own clients. I usually support his need to appear bigger than he is (that's a male thing, right?) by returning emails and phone calls from home instead of waiting for the few hours I'm in his office. In talking to the financial person for one of his clients, she mentioned just finishing her company's corporate tax return, and I responded by saying that I was taking advantage of my boss's traveling this week to work at home for a few days to complete his corporate tax return by Monday. Then I emailed my unappreciative client his client's various questions in case she contacted him instead of waiting until I called her from his office on Tuesday when I could have that file in front of me. HE FORWARDED MY EMAIL TO BOTH THAT GAL AND HER BOSS. I think he threw me under the bus! Now, I have to watch what I put in writing to him as it could be forwarded to someone outside his company. Anyway, his beef was he thinks I told that gal about my tax prep business. He ranted about how unprofessional that was of me, that their reports of my telephone call with her differed from mine, that he'd already answered her boss's questions Sunday, didn't want any game playing, blah, blah. I thought I was doing him a favor off the clock. I just printed out all the emails and telephone calls I've made from home to make sure this month's invoice to him is all inclusive. ANYWAY, THE THANK YOUs ON THIS BOARD MEANT A LOT TO ME THIS WEEK when I'm already sleep-deprived and was feeling put down. Thanks for letting me vent. At least I know all of you understand confidentiality and won't forward this!



              You forgot to include the email addresses so that we can forward your thoughts.

              I hope you understand that I'm just kidding.

              Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


                Backwards Name

                See, now this is a perfect example of why all returns should be filed electronically.

                If the return had been filed electronically, the error would have caused the return to be rejected. It could have been corrected and re-filed.

                Oh, wait a minute...

                You can't e-file a return with the First Time Homebuyer Credit.

                And after re-reading the original post...

                The client mailed the return and then noticed that his own name was backwards?

                Or did you catch this while reviewing the return on your own, and the client doesn't even know yet?

                I think the client bears equal responsibility for this one. [LMAO]

                Burton M. Koss

                The map is not the territory...
                and the instruction book is not the process.



                  You made me laugh, Thom!


                    I caught it

                    Originally posted by Koss View Post
                    See, now this is a perfect example of why all returns should be filed electronically.

                    If the return had been filed electronically, the error would have caused the return to be rejected. It could have been corrected and re-filed.

                    Oh, wait a minute...

                    You can't e-file a return with the First Time Homebuyer Credit.

                    And after re-reading the original post...

                    The client mailed the return and then noticed that his own name was backwards?

                    Or did you catch this while reviewing the return on your own, and the client doesn't even know yet?

                    I think the client bears equal responsibility for this one. [LMAO]

                    when I couldn't bring his return up in the computer, then informed client. he had no clue.

