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O/T....starting a new blog

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    O/T....starting a new blog

    I just bought a domain name for my new project, which should be up and running soon. I just have to write some more content. The content will relate to anyone who drives or is a passenger in a area with a lot of traffic. I'm in the Tampa Bay area, so I will never run out of content to write about. The hard part is figuring out which way I'm going to write. It all depends on how much my back hurts that day or night.

    Oh yes, this is an intent to make a profit. I might not, or I might make a ton. But I will have every record. First record, $18. Certified the 2 domains, .com and .info. If one site is down, the exact site will be up.

    Business is dead, BTW. Not even any stupid phone calls. Though I did have a lady with a chip on her shoulder the other day. Ended up not filing. Good riddance.

    Later y'all
    If I'm wrong, please correct me, because I don't have the tax knowledge y'all have. Cheers!

    soft launch....

    The new blog is

    In the future, I hope to add all 50 states a a category,and having people post their own stories. This is intended as a business venture, and I know I'll be here asking questions
    Last edited by powerage; 03-15-2010, 12:02 AM. Reason: Spelling
    If I'm wrong, please correct me, because I don't have the tax knowledge y'all have. Cheers!


      I think you posted on this site by mistake. Or I am wrong and this is an advertising/marketing site.
      Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


        Originally posted by taxea View Post
        I think you posted on this site by mistake. Or I am wrong and this is an advertising/marketing site.

        I'm not selling anything, I'm not doing anything wrong.

        I'm backing up my expenses, in case anything happens to my records or my computer. My site is intended to make a profit. This is a tax site. As you had in your sig, document, document, document.

        I just paid $9.00 for a month of hosting. 18+9= $27 are my expenses so far.
        If I'm wrong, please correct me, because I don't have the tax knowledge y'all have. Cheers!

