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    Designates payments from HSAs. May or may not be taxable. TTB gives instances where could be taxable.

    Problem is, the only knowledgeable people to whom we have access are our clients. Firstly, they don't have the foggiest as to whether these are taxable, so we have to question them as to the surrounding circumstances.

    They don't know this either. SA may as well mean South America. One guy told me he "didn't do any bulldozing this year, so I don't know why I even got the d**n thing." As we understand, these are payments made from the HSA, and the best we can hope for is that the payments were authorized by the client. But there is only one number on the 1099-SA. Can they reconstruct any items in that total?

    And it's up to US to do something with these thangs.

    Am I the only one having a problem with this?

    1099SA is a pain

    Those reporting documents are generally just a pain in the nether regions.

    You have to fill out Form 8889 to "prove your innocence" by saying you used those funds for legitimate unreimbursed medical expenses (line 15), and then also NOT use those expenses on Sch A if you itemize medical deductions.

    It's the IRS equivalent of a dog chasing his tail.

    I do somewhat disagree with "only one number" as there is other information on the Form 1099SA that is of importance, specifically entries in boxes 3 and 5.


