Way to work part time
I have done bookkeeping and accounting work since I was in high school. Worked for department store, large corporation, some small businesses and managed a small credit union for a couple of years. We merged and I worked for the new credit union for a while but they wanted me to work more hours than I wanted to work since I had young children at home.
I saw an ad for the HRB tax course and decided to take it. I could work 3 months and be home with my girls the rest of the year. That was in 1984. I worked for them for 15 years.I learned a lot during that time and loved my clients. They kept going up on prices and management was going downhill so I had an opportunity to work with some friends that had a specialized travel business for a couple of years. But I missed my clients and I was working too many hours again. (guess I am just a basically lazy person) When 9/11 happened, their business suffered and they laid me off. So I decided to go back to tax preparation and decided to open my own business in my home. Almost 10 years now...I can't believe it. Many of my old clients found me and I have lots of referrals every year. I became an enrolled agent about 4 years ago. I thought it would add to my credibility and I liked having peers to consult with.
I do some bookkeeping for some small businesses too. My husband works full time (in accounting for a large firm). He will retire probably at the end of this year. He works for me now but after he retires, I will get him some more bookkeeping accounts to keep him busy.
I like being able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. So being my own boss is great for me. Although that is a strange thing to say right now...the only thing we do is sit at our desk and do taxes!
Sorry so long.
I have done bookkeeping and accounting work since I was in high school. Worked for department store, large corporation, some small businesses and managed a small credit union for a couple of years. We merged and I worked for the new credit union for a while but they wanted me to work more hours than I wanted to work since I had young children at home.
I saw an ad for the HRB tax course and decided to take it. I could work 3 months and be home with my girls the rest of the year. That was in 1984. I worked for them for 15 years.I learned a lot during that time and loved my clients. They kept going up on prices and management was going downhill so I had an opportunity to work with some friends that had a specialized travel business for a couple of years. But I missed my clients and I was working too many hours again. (guess I am just a basically lazy person) When 9/11 happened, their business suffered and they laid me off. So I decided to go back to tax preparation and decided to open my own business in my home. Almost 10 years now...I can't believe it. Many of my old clients found me and I have lots of referrals every year. I became an enrolled agent about 4 years ago. I thought it would add to my credibility and I liked having peers to consult with.
I do some bookkeeping for some small businesses too. My husband works full time (in accounting for a large firm). He will retire probably at the end of this year. He works for me now but after he retires, I will get him some more bookkeeping accounts to keep him busy.
I like being able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. So being my own boss is great for me. Although that is a strange thing to say right now...the only thing we do is sit at our desk and do taxes!
Sorry so long.