A question about inventory and its treatment because of sale of business:
Begining Inv was ~ $47,471, ending of 12/31/2004.
Business sold 01/07/2005 where no value was placed on inventory, but only goodwill.
Franchisor inventoried as business was sold, and cut check to my client -- Franchisor ended up giving my client $32,231, a value less than was actually inventoried (took away other incidental costs). So what I did was run it through the Schedule C as ending inventory for the close of business ending inventory value. B'ing (12/31/2004) value was $47,471 and ending value was $32,231 via the Franchisor value.
According to my client, a franchisee never really owns anything in the store, they just manage the it. However, I guess inventory is an integral part of the client's cost, and the franchisor ends of paying for the remaining value once the business is sold, etc.?
Am I right to presume running the inventory through the Schedule C, and not Form 4797?
Thank you
Begining Inv was ~ $47,471, ending of 12/31/2004.
Business sold 01/07/2005 where no value was placed on inventory, but only goodwill.
Franchisor inventoried as business was sold, and cut check to my client -- Franchisor ended up giving my client $32,231, a value less than was actually inventoried (took away other incidental costs). So what I did was run it through the Schedule C as ending inventory for the close of business ending inventory value. B'ing (12/31/2004) value was $47,471 and ending value was $32,231 via the Franchisor value.
According to my client, a franchisee never really owns anything in the store, they just manage the it. However, I guess inventory is an integral part of the client's cost, and the franchisor ends of paying for the remaining value once the business is sold, etc.?
Am I right to presume running the inventory through the Schedule C, and not Form 4797?
Thank you