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    just writing...

    Y'all that have done taxes for 10+ years, I salute you. I know a lot of y'all have been at it for over 30 years. Seriously, just amazing.

    I don't know how y'all do it. I'm burned out after 5 years. And compared to the returns y'all do, 80% of mine are pretty easy returns, and I include mortgage interest and real estate taxes in that category. I got lucky today and actually had 2 returns that I seldom do, which included rental property and depreciation. But they were done with 100% confidence because I have had the training and any resource is available to me if I have a question.

    I think what is doing it to me is the friggin' tax code. Some of it makes sense, some has me scratching my head, and the other 85% reads like it was written by a monkey. I have read all of the tax protester scams, and I can ALMOST see why they do what they do.

    And don't get me started on see this pub and that pub and then this pub...and too bad I don't have the money to buy a friggin house for the half-brother, who is not a relative, even though we have the same Mom...regardless, I would qualify, according to the IRS and IRC.

    I know to not to try to make sense of this mes, but I'm fed up. IMHO, our tax system is a total disaster. I do not have the answer yet...

    Daytona 500 in about 12 hours, heck ya!!
    If I'm wrong, please correct me, because I don't have the tax knowledge y'all have. Cheers!


      One of my professors in college often said there are two courses you should never take at the same time - "Income Taxation" and "Logic". He also reminded us frequently that you can figure out much of the tax code based on rational accounting concepts, but there are parts of it you just have to memorize and accept. (He usually said this just before test time and again when reviewing test results) That was 40 years ago - I imagine he'd be even more emphatic about the "memorize and accept" part today.
      Last edited by JohnH; 02-14-2010, 07:32 AM.
      "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith



        First, about the cat. We had a cat years ago....a long-hair persian mix. She realy had an attitude. She would claim a chair for a week or so and then move to another spot. But while that was her spot you better NOT sit in that chair. One time my daughter (then a teenager) had friends over. This one guy said why is the cat sitting there staring at me. We told him he was sitting in her chair and she wanted him to move. He didn't believe us. So he got up. She jumped up in the chair and got comfortable and went to sleep. He couldn't believe he got run out of a chair by a cat. We all got a good laugh from that.

        Second, about the client that no mater what you do something happens with their return. I've got one. He started coming to me when he married his wife about 3 years ago. She had been a partner in a restaurant I did the bookkeeping for. Some little something always happens. This year he called Friday because his refund wasn't deposited. So I checked "Where's my refund?" No record of return. So started checking more. It rejected and I didn't catch it. They came in on Wednesday night so if it rejected it would have put the refund off till the 19th anyway. The reason for the reject was the third party designee! For some reason it was changed from preparer to my name but without the PIN. That is something set up in the beginning and I don't even go into that area of the program in preparing a return. I don't know how that happened!!!!! But when I told him of course, he was going to pay some bills off that are due now. He won't get his money till the 26th. Last year he says something happened too. I can't remember what. I really just DREAD when I see his name on my caller ID. Guess I will send him a gift certificate to a restaurant and see if that appeases him. But then next year he will find something wrong and expect another one probably.



          Linda I understand about looking at the Caller ID and seeing a client's name you don't want to see. I've got one that I can't just call and ask a question... it turns into a 40 minute conversation about everything but taxes. Now I like talking to my clients and finding out how everything is going. But it is pretty ridiculous with this guy.

          One other thing I get from a few clients every year is the question "are you still preparing taxes?". Why do people ask that? I am like "yes still here.... been doing yours for 5 years... don't see it changing unless you go to someone else".
          I don't know is there that many tax prep businesses that open and close each year?


            Receiving Same

            I am receiving the same message Dany, clients emailing or calling me, Are you still preparing taxes! Have I given them a clue, that I WAS NOT preparing taxes? No I don't think so.

            So I don't get it either Maybe the client just needs the confirmation that we are still there for them?



              Originally posted by powerage View Post

              I don't know how y'all do it. I'm burned out after 5 years.

              Daytona 500 in about 12 hours, heck ya!!

              I think you just get use to it after awhile. I started doing tax returns when I was 20 years old. When I graduated high school I never thought I would become an accountant or something as fancy as a Enrolled Agent. My chosen career path was either secretary or bank teller. So I am truly blessed to have such a good business and career.

              With time you learn to deal with everything that comes with tax season. As John said logic really doesn't go with income tax. I got that through my head a long time ago. Over 16 years I've learned how to deal with customers, gained more self confidence by doing so, and learned how to deal with doing tax preparation. One day at a time is how you deal with it.

              So far this year is my least stressful year I have ever had. No more trying to figure out tax problems while I am at home or trying to go to sleep. Worrying about what I have to do the next day. Will I get this return done in time for this client. I am just taking it day at a time. Alot of times things come up that I can't do anything about. I try to do the best I can and move on.

              Daytona 500.... geez 6 hours. Old Dale Jr was pretty good on that last lap. From 10th to 2nd play.


                I thought he was going to pull it off. I swear he came out of nowhere, like his old man did back in Talladega in 2000. Other than the track problems, a great race. For the record, I have 2 Dale Sr. tattoos.

                I'll probably be doing taxes the rest of my life, as it seems to be my niche, and I do like it. I need to strike out on my own, but not in this area.
                If I'm wrong, please correct me, because I don't have the tax knowledge y'all have. Cheers!


