I need some advise since I never dealt with collections before.
Client owes IRS and State for several tax years but won't be able to pay, or at the most $50 a month to each. I will try for uncollectable status since only income now is disability with high medical expenses.
Correspondence received from IRS:
1. Asking for filing of return for year 2007 - filed last November - not processed yet by IRS
2. Asking for payment for return for year 2008 - I called the IRS but agent was unable to assist with my complex situation. I probably have to wait for the first official collection letter.
3 more years of tax returns have been filed recently hence not processed yet. No state tax returns have been filed yet..
I was hoping I could deal first with the IRS only for the total debt for all years. But I don't know if this is doable. Does anyone know? I am in the process of finalizing Form 433-A (I think this is the right form #, I am not close to my work place right now), which I will submit after the collection process has started.
How do the IRS and the State interrelate? Is it better to file the State tax returns before settlement with IRS is reached or to wait unless they bark?
Any inside is greatly appreciated.
Client owes IRS and State for several tax years but won't be able to pay, or at the most $50 a month to each. I will try for uncollectable status since only income now is disability with high medical expenses.
Correspondence received from IRS:
1. Asking for filing of return for year 2007 - filed last November - not processed yet by IRS
2. Asking for payment for return for year 2008 - I called the IRS but agent was unable to assist with my complex situation. I probably have to wait for the first official collection letter.
3 more years of tax returns have been filed recently hence not processed yet. No state tax returns have been filed yet..
I was hoping I could deal first with the IRS only for the total debt for all years. But I don't know if this is doable. Does anyone know? I am in the process of finalizing Form 433-A (I think this is the right form #, I am not close to my work place right now), which I will submit after the collection process has started.
How do the IRS and the State interrelate? Is it better to file the State tax returns before settlement with IRS is reached or to wait unless they bark?
Any inside is greatly appreciated.