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Min Req IRA distributions waived for 09, what about 10?

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    Min Req IRA distributions waived for 09, what about 10?

    Does anyone know the status for 2010?


    Originally posted by AZ-Tax View Post
    Does anyone know the status for 2010?
    are required in TY2010
    Just because I look dumb does not mean I am not.


      under current law.......


        Originally posted by Davc View Post
        under current law.......
        All bets are off for 2010. In a congresional election year our astute represetatives will do whatever is in their best reelection interests.


          Don't Think So

          Originally posted by jimmcg View Post
          All bets are off for 2010. In a congresional election year our astute represetatives will do whatever is in their best reelection interests.
          Esteemed Jimmcg, although I agree with the above statement, I don't think it applies to the RMDs. The thought of placing another moratorium on RMDs to win millions of votes probably doesn't fly.

          Understand that the 2009 freebie was not for the benefit of taxpayers being able to bail out of taxable income. It was all about big banks and insurance companies being able to hold on to more of your money.

          Our "astute representatives" tell us they are beholden to we the people who elected them. Truth of the matter is they are first beholden to the people walking the halls in the Capitol with attache cases and special interests who are financing their political campaigns.


            Waiver of RMD

            A waiver would cause us old geezers to pay less taxes also which isn't exactly the top priority for the government.


              Originally posted by taxxcpa View Post
              A waiver would cause us old geezers to pay less taxes also which isn't exactly the top priority for the government.
              Exactly my sentiments, which is why I went ahead on Jan 2nd and took my RMD,
              so I could get it FAST and roll it over into my ROTH for the year.
              Well, no, not really a "rollover"; just robbing Peter to pay Paul sotospeak.
              Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA

