This question is in regards to LOCAL EARNED INCOME TAX
I know the PA preparers just love Local Earned Income Tax so much.....
I am from the old school. In my day an employer withheld from employee and filed quarterly sending the money to the school district where the employer was located. On the W-2 the employer would put the school district where it was located on the local box. Then when the employee filed his tax return to his local school district the w-2 told the school district who had the money that was withheld.
NOW …. These big companies (PAMS, Berkheimer, Central Tax Bureau) are all trying to force the employer to file quarterly returns to ALL the school districts that their employees live in, send the money to the correct district and put the twp/boro that the employee lives in on the w-2.
I have small employers who can't afford to pay me or anyone to do 4 different school district quarterly reports (And I am NOT doing these for free). And I know there are huge businesses (i.e. hospitals, foundries, etc) that have employees from many many many school districts and there is no way that I will believe that they are doing so many district returns.
What I want to know is ……. Is there a BOOK that I can buy that tells what the State Guide Line is for the law of local earned income tax. I know that each school district makes many of their own rules but they have to follow a state guideline from someplace.
Is this a new law that states an employer MUST withhold and file to many school districts?? Or is this just these big agencies laziness trying to force employers to do the job the agencies are actually hired to do??
I want to know what the law is ….. before I dig deeper into each school district in my area.
Thanks for your input
I know the PA preparers just love Local Earned Income Tax so much.....
I am from the old school. In my day an employer withheld from employee and filed quarterly sending the money to the school district where the employer was located. On the W-2 the employer would put the school district where it was located on the local box. Then when the employee filed his tax return to his local school district the w-2 told the school district who had the money that was withheld.
NOW …. These big companies (PAMS, Berkheimer, Central Tax Bureau) are all trying to force the employer to file quarterly returns to ALL the school districts that their employees live in, send the money to the correct district and put the twp/boro that the employee lives in on the w-2.
I have small employers who can't afford to pay me or anyone to do 4 different school district quarterly reports (And I am NOT doing these for free). And I know there are huge businesses (i.e. hospitals, foundries, etc) that have employees from many many many school districts and there is no way that I will believe that they are doing so many district returns.
What I want to know is ……. Is there a BOOK that I can buy that tells what the State Guide Line is for the law of local earned income tax. I know that each school district makes many of their own rules but they have to follow a state guideline from someplace.
Is this a new law that states an employer MUST withhold and file to many school districts?? Or is this just these big agencies laziness trying to force employers to do the job the agencies are actually hired to do??
I want to know what the law is ….. before I dig deeper into each school district in my area.
Thanks for your input
