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Foreign Property

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    Foreign Property

    T/p sold real estate in Taiwan gain in US dollars is approximately $ 300,000. Not ever having reported sale of foreign property before, would this be reported on Schedule D and other stock losses would offset the gain?




    Yes, any property sale anywhere in the world, I suppose. There might be restrictions on taking a loss in boycotted countries, but I don't have any specifics on that.

    Depending upon the country, if you had a foreign gain or income, your client may also have to file a foreign income tax return. If there is any foreign tax to be paid, it may be eligible for Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit.

    Example, US taxpayer buys $3,000,000 in Australian Bonds, paying 3% interest, and after one year sells the bonds for $3,100,000 if the calculation were made in Australian currency. Australia requires tax reporting at Australian currency, so client must claim $90,000 in interest, and $100,000 in gain on the bonds. Suppose, for example, this results in the client having to pay $18,000 in Australian dollars.

    However, the 1040 reports in U S Dollars. Although the purchase of $3,000,000 was made in U S Dollars, the sale of $3,100,000 converts to only $2,700,000 because of a whopping loss in the exchange rate.

    US taxpayer reports the $90,000 interest (which must be converted to US Dollars) and a $300,000 capital loss. It's possible he may be limited to deducting only $3000. He also may be entitled to a Foreign Tax Credit of $18,000, but this also would have to be converted to US Dollars.


      Foreign Property Gain

      It is a gain! Approx $300,000 US (conversion) gain between Gifted amount and Sale Price.
      So trying to minimize US tax and Calif Tax.
      T/p has about $100K in stock losses that are US investments - T/p is US Citizen, this was gifted property of her parents home in Taiwan at least 10 years ago.
      will the US investments (loss) offset?

      I won't have an overall Capital loss, on the return limited to $3K - Just trying to reduce capital gain.

      Trying to obtain more info on whether or not she had to pay any foreign taxes to Taiwan on the property sale.




        Guess no one likes my post

        Can someone just confirm for me the following

        Report of Foreign Real Estate Sale (guess you would say it is a second home) shows a gain
        US Stock Sale Losses will offset part of the gain

        All is reported on Schedule D




          Yes, the gain reported on Sch D would be offset by any losses reported on Sch D.

          I keep trying to think of something that I may have missed. Why are you thinking that the losses can't offset the gain? Have you read something or just double checking?
          You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you.


            Like You

            Thinking I am missing something - Haven't read anything to the contrary

            Just "Miss self-doubting Thomas" here - have not ever reported a "Foreign Property Sale"

            Anything else I should know or be aware of?

            Fortunately, client let me know ahead of time - trying to strategize for year end 12/31/09 tax planning.

            Thanks WO,



              Anything else I should know or be aware of?
              How about a foreign tax return and Form 1116?

