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Tax benefits for being an alcoholic???

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    Tax benefits for being an alcoholic???

    Or rather for being a 'recovered' alcoholic who's an active member of AA.

    So anyway this guy is twenty some years sober. So after being laid off he spends more time volunteering and driving fellow members to meetings.

    Disregarding any potential for medical expense can this guy get a deduction?

    My initial though is that provided he belongs to at least one chapter which is recognized by the irs as a qualified charitable org then miles could be deductible.

    I'd think driving himself to a meeting would be PERSONAL. But any additional miles driven escorting members to and from meetings would be CHARITABLE miles.


    (Yes i know that if... he'd have to keep some kind of a log book.)

    I've seen documents that give guidance on miles driven to AA as medical expense. But none about charitable miles.

    thanks for reading

    First question should be, is AA a qualified 501c organization?
    Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


      Hi ChEAr$,

      Thanks for reading.

      Originally posted by ChEAr$ View Post
      First question should be, is AA a qualified 501c organization?
      Yes, i agree.

      Originally posted by tacks View Post
      ...provided he belongs to at least one chapter which is recognized by the irs as a qualified charitable org then...
      I didn't remember that exact term, 501c. I wasn't being clear. thank you.

      So it's my understanding that chapters operate somewhat independently. So one particular chapter of AA might be a qualified 501c organization while another might not be.

      So, again, provided that his chapter is a 501c......?


        Originally posted by tacks View Post
        Hi ChEAr$,

        So it's my understanding that chapters operate somewhat independently. So one particular chapter of AA might be a qualified 501c organization while another might not be.

        So, again, provided that his chapter is a 501c......?
        Usually local chapters, state chapters, etc, operate under the "umbrella" of the national
        organization, thus making contributions tax deductible.

        You can check for status of national AA on the IRS website list of organizations.
        If it qualifies, then check local chapter, club, organization, for qualification under the national organization.
        Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


          You can check for status of national AA on the IRS website list of organizations.
          If it qualifies, then check local chapter, club, organization, for qualification under the national organization.
          A quick check shows over 100 chapters or areas or other subdivisions of AA are listed in Pub 89.


            Originally posted by DonPriebe View Post
            A quick check shows over 100 chapters or areas or other subdivisions of AA are listed in Pub 89.

            Well that's interesting. The listing of more than just the one national organization implies
            and suggests that each local unit does not come under the universal umbrella. It would
            then follow that if the OP"s local AA is not so listed...... !
            Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA



              t would seem to me that driving someone to a meeting would be more personal than anything else. I understand that charity miles are doing something directly for the charity. If one drives the neighbor to church or something similar, how would this be considered charitable?

              Now if the client could obtain a statement from the AA chapter that this driving is directly connected to the charity and is authorized by the AA there may be a chance.

