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mblatour - Off Topic

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    mblatour - Off Topic

    Becky, has been awhile since we've heard from you - this registers with me as being a Duluth preparer.

    This takes on an added significance because this past summer, my brother-in-law and I took a vacation and went to our first-ever trip to Minnesota's North Shore. Duluth, of course, was the launching pad. In all my life, I've never had such a spectacular trip. This stretch of 160 miles to Canada is full of sightseeing. You never know what's around each corner, what's in the next stretch of Highway 61. Ports, waterfalls, formations, lighthouses, the trip had everything, plus a daytime high of around 70 degrees. Hearty, healthy, friendly people, obviously of Scandinavian descent, there to make your trip as memorable as possible.

    Just inland is also unspoiled wilderness -- much of the way Minnesota was when the white man came.

    Keep in mind, this is coming from a Tennessean - a state even more widely known for its tourism. The Great Smokies are easily the most visited National Park.

    This is clearly off-topic, unknowingly perhaps a plug for Minnesota Tourism, but I'm hoping harmless to post and maybe the monitors will allow it since there's no politics, social commentaries, or other incendiary topics.

    Anyone who hasn't spent a couple days on Minnesota's North Shore should consider it. If you think Minnesota is simply boring Interstate driving through plains and prarie, think again.

    And for you, mblatour, good to hear from you.


    Sorry it took me so long to respond. I know, I know, I haven't posted in awhile. I tend to get a little too relaxed from taxes during the summertime. I sort of regret that each fall, but can't help it much. Being a stay-at-home mom is first and foremost my number one job and when the kiddies are home, I focus on them. I know that'll change more as they grown older and don't "need" me quite so much. I did try to check the board as often as possible, just to lurk. I do appreciate all of you that keep the board alive during the slow months. This board has been invaluable to me since I began doing tax prep over 5 yrs. ago.

    As for your post, it was so nice to read about your appreciation of the area I live in. I was born and bred here. Never lived elsewhere. The North Shore is my playground. Growing up in a family of 6 with very young parents (16 and 17 when they started), we couldn't afford to go on vacations to Disneyword/land. We went camping instead. The Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) taught me to appreciate natures true beauties. If you would have seen Hwy. 61 before they upgraded it, it was a whole different deal (just in my 31 yrs. of life back). Those tunnels were not there and it was a slow drive up to Canada with ALOT more corners, bends, twists and turns in the road. They put a lot of work into widening it, and moving the road further away from the cliffside and shoreline. It was becoming a dangerous drive for the many truckers who use that route to transport to and from Canada. Don't get me wrong; the drive is still just as gorgeous as before, just not as dangerous. And the people.....well, you hit the nail on the head. They'd give you the shirt of their back if you needed it.

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 10 yr. wedding anniversary this upcoming Friday (the 25th) and plan to take a drive up the shore on Saturday. A little early for the fall colors, but beautiful nonetheless. Those fall colors when they are in full swing (especially on the back country roads off of 61) are like heaven on earth. You'd be a fool not to have a camera with you.

    The city of Duluth itself is just as gorgeous and breathtaking from just about any angle. Maybe that's why I've never considered moving elsewhere. I love it here too much. We have our fair share of weather to deal with when it comes to the horrendous snow storms and frigid cold, but that seems minimal when you consider the beauty surrounding us.

    Thank you for mentioning the beautiful city I live in. Who knows? Maybe you'll come back some day and I can meet you in person. This board has already brought me a great friendship with LarryM from the cities. As I said before, invaluable.



      1936 When I was 6 years old

      My father had an independent automobile repair business in the suburbs of Chicago Illinios. The town was Downers grove in case any one is from that area.
      Dad loved fishing and we would drive the old 1932 used Plymouth through Duluth on the way to International Falls Minn. This was our entrance to Canada for our vacation to Lake of The woods.
      Dad would have made arragements for a boat to be left at a dock remaining from an old CCC camp.We would drive down an old corderoy road made from trees about 6 inches in diameter, want a ride into what seemed to be no where.
      Mom was afraid of bears, so we would camp on a very small island. The only food as what we took with us and the fish we would catch.There were lots of them in those days.
      The vacation was for 2 weeks, so after one week we would go to a fishing resort about a hours ride away by boat; they had ice cream. For a boy 6 years old, that was the best ice cream I ever ate.
      Hope you find my story of interest. Bob


        Did anybody ever tell your mom that bears can swim?
        "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


          Yes Bears can Swim

          One day a year or two after our first trip. My mother late one afternoon said what is that out there? My Dad said just a floating log. Yes it was a bear, we never told mom.
          By the way I will be seeing my mother Wednesday. She is 101 1/2 and still living alone in a retirement center about five miles from my home. Maybe I should tell her [John said Bears can swim} Have a good evening everyone.


            Downers Grove

            Just want to let you know that I know where Downers Grove is! I grew up in Bellwood, IL, off the Eisenhower Expressway. Went to Proviso East and Proviso West High Schools (I didn't move; they moved the boundary line after my freshman year). Sister still lives there.


              Hyster Lift Trucks Bellwood Il

              I went to work for Hyster Company just North of The Congress Expressway as a Lift Truck Mechanic. Sad to say, I do not recall the name of the north south street.Moved to California in 1970. Was with the Hyster Company for 22 years.If I live another one year, I will have spent 40 years in the Chicago area and 40 years on the west coast.Wish me luck.


                Originally posted by Robert Ellsworth View Post
                One day a year or two after our first trip. My mother late one afternoon said what is that out there? My Dad said just a floating log. Yes it was a bear, we never told mom.
                By the way I will be seeing my mother Wednesday. She is 101 1/2 and still living alone in a retirement center about five miles from my home. Maybe I should tell her [John said Bears can swim} Have a good evening everyone.
                You could also tell her that here in NC we often wear tiny bells on our clothing and we carry pepper spray with us when we go into the woods. The noise from the bells alerts the bears you're coming so they will avoid you, and if you happen to accidentally surprise a bear who gets angry, you can shoot the pepper spray in his eyes to make him run away.

                I also learned it's imporant to know what type of bears are in the area. You can look for bear droppings & examine them for undigested material to find out which type of bear you're likely to run into. Brown bear droppings form small piles and tend to have little pieces of insects & berries in them. Grizzly bear droppings are generally larger, have tiny pieces of ground up bells in them, and usually smell like pepper.
                Last edited by JohnH; 09-23-2009, 06:07 AM.
                "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


                  John Thanks for my morning laugh

                  Jingle Bells Jingle Bells!!!!



                    Good one, John.

                    I spent 20+ years outside Chicago, a decade on the West Coast, and 30+ years on the East Coast. Remember touring the Sanford Ink Company in Bellwood where they make (made?) Magic Markers. Went to the same high school as Eugene Cernon, the astronaut. Lived one house away from the Proviso Train Yards, the first large switching yard outside Chicago; don't know if I was on the wrong side of the tracks or the right side! Close to the IC station for commuters to Chicago. Only two-way street around, so very busy morning and night with commuters getting to and from the station. Here's to one more year and many more years in the city of your choice!


                      Hyster was on 25th Avenue in Bellwood

                      Lion I just remembered, Hyster was on 25th Avenue just north of the Congress Express Way.
                      A little some thing for the graduate accountants,my boss was a CPA
                      When I moved from mechanic to sales and from sales to office manager,he would teach me double enrty bookkeeping by coming in each day at 6:00AM and working until 8:30 PM
                      Friday night he would say call your wife, and would take us out and party until 1:00AM.As we got out of the car he said, Bob come in a little later Saturday morning, say 8:00AM. I did get sunday off.
                      I have never forgotten that the debit is on the left.Those were the good old days, when you did your job well, you had a job until you retired..


                        Bellwood Avenue

                        I was on Bellwood Avenue, two blocks from St. Charles Road, not far from Manheim Road/Bridge. Did you ever eat at Rex's on that corner? Think we used a babysitter who lived on 25th.


                          Peanuts and Hamburgers

                          Sorry, do not recall Rex's, however a great place in Melrose Park. Fireplace,cold beer and the best hambugers.The floor was covered with peanut shells I left Hyster in Chicago in 1970 and was transfered to the South San Francisco operation.Other than 5 years in Seattle, have spent the rest of my 34 years about 20 miles south of the city.Look me up if you get out this way.I see most of the folks use a screen name. I better call in and change to SF Bob. Have a good evening. Great Message Board. Educational and a lot of fun.


                            I also know Downers Grove

                            Before I moved to Arizona, I worked at Argonne National Laboratory very near Downers Grove. I drove from Duluth all the way around northern Lake Superior, and I agree, it is beautiful.

