Question: is the depreciation of a camper by the Entity considered a reasonable and necessary expense in the Trucking Industry?
Trucking company (family partnership/LLC!!) purchased a 35K camper to use as temporary lodging when their truckers are working out of a terminal that is out of town. This is a small company, one driver is family and they have one leased employee. This would be for the employer's convenience, but the terminals are not their property and drivers do not have duplicate living expenses. Has anyone had experience with this type of arrangement? My gut and all that I have read says, audit nightmare. Looking forward to your comments.
Trucking company (family partnership/LLC!!) purchased a 35K camper to use as temporary lodging when their truckers are working out of a terminal that is out of town. This is a small company, one driver is family and they have one leased employee. This would be for the employer's convenience, but the terminals are not their property and drivers do not have duplicate living expenses. Has anyone had experience with this type of arrangement? My gut and all that I have read says, audit nightmare. Looking forward to your comments.