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Electronic Filing Centers

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    Electronic Filing Centers

    I was reviewing old posts in my blog and I wanted to see if this is still true. Is it still the case that a person's tax data can be sent by their preparer or their DIY Software vendor to a filing center outside the US provided that the fact is disclosed adequately? Is it still the case that DIY Software and some preparers may soft pedal this issue so that while the legal requirements for disclosure are met, many clients may fail to realize that their data is going overseas? I do review my blog periodically to make sure that everything is still accurate and in this case I would like the advise of you guys here. If taking all in all this concern is no longer one that needs to bother my readers then I have two posts that need editing or even removal.

    Thank you for all replies.

    questionnaire-based tax preparers

    I have noticed that some of my competitors provide tax returns to clients by asking the client to complete a written questionnaire, and then a tax return is delivered several weeks later. This discussion further convinces me that those clients aren't getting the best quality service.



      The use of a questionnaire strikes me as reasonable but I think it should be in conjunction with a thorough oral interview. I too have heard of places where clients fill out questionnaires under the direction of a receptionist and never meet the people who do the returns. A few years back I was approached by a company that I believe was in what used to be Yugoslavia that wanted to ghost write some or all of my returns from data I or my clients put down on questionnaires.
      Last edited by erchess; 09-06-2009, 04:53 PM.

