This is a fairly new idea for an elderly person to pay a family member to provide personal services for them such as fixing meals, running errands, taking to doctor's appointments, etc.
This caregiver agreement can be part of a strategy for accelerating Medicaid eligibility for an elderly person. The payments can reduce the assets, which accelerates eligibility. Since the payments are in exchange for services rendered, they are treated as income to the caregiver.
Would these payments be wages or self-employment income? The article below says wages and another article I found in the Naples News said it could be either depending on how the contract is written.
Do you know of IRS codes or references to this kind of income?
I found an article on the web at Long Term Care/caregiver_agreement.htm. -
But I was hoping to give the person asking for this information something from IRS, if it is available.
Thanks for your help.
This caregiver agreement can be part of a strategy for accelerating Medicaid eligibility for an elderly person. The payments can reduce the assets, which accelerates eligibility. Since the payments are in exchange for services rendered, they are treated as income to the caregiver.
Would these payments be wages or self-employment income? The article below says wages and another article I found in the Naples News said it could be either depending on how the contract is written.
Do you know of IRS codes or references to this kind of income?
I found an article on the web at Long Term Care/caregiver_agreement.htm. -
But I was hoping to give the person asking for this information something from IRS, if it is available.
Thanks for your help.