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Turbo Tax / Ain't It Wonderful?

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    Turbo Tax / Ain't It Wonderful?

    Overheard conversation in bar last night -- two executives talking....
    Man #1: Are you going to the Tax Relief party on Friday?
    Man #2: No, but since I just wrote a big check to the IRS I need some relief.
    Man #1: Oh?
    Man #2: Yes, back in the early 80's I invested in a tax shelter....., (goes on to describe it and I knew immediately which one he was talking about),.... "and it seems finally this December they sold the property! Got a big check. But just gave half of it back to the govt."
    Man #1: What do you use?
    Man #2: Oh, Turbo Tax.
    Man #1: Yeah, me too.

    (Me, thinking to myself Chuckle......, and what did you do about all those suspended losses you have not been able to take since 1986?

    Rather than suspend - Probably took them!


      Actually at lunch over heard a couple guys talking about taxes. One said to the others I sold some stock, it was a loss, thank god I don't have to report everybody including the IRS knows people lost on there stocks this year.The other's replied yeah I didn't worry about mine either. I abruptly laughing left my card on there table and walked back to the office. Wonder if they got the hint.


        They will call you just as soon as they get those IRS letters saying they owe a lot of money. They will be saying "Where's that card about taxes? Did you keep it? Who was that person anyway?"



          Masked Man

          Who was that masked man?


            Things could have been worse

            ...they might have been talking about how much money they've made this year being a new Amway/Mary Kay/whatever distributor and how they absolutely love the way they can write everything off on their taxes.

            But they are looking for a tax pro to help them since April 15 is nearing.....



              I would have handed them my business card and said, "Call me when you get the letter from the IRS"kaimana
              DIY programs are not a replacement for a good tax pro


                Sure. And then they make the appointment. It goes something like this:

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                DIY programs are a great replacement for a CID investigation.
                Last edited by BHoffman; 04-16-2009, 03:08 PM.

