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One More Stupid Call

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    One More Stupid Call

    During the last few days I try to get Callie to screen calls so I can get desperate stuff completed and outa here. When she gives up, I know someone has called us with a stupid question.

    There is a long list from just today only. Half of them are from people I've already done a month or two ago and they just "remembered" deductions. One of them insisted that I e-file her return in February , then asked why she didn't have a federal return to mail off.

    People who won't even give their name and want free advice so they can do their taxes on TurboTax. People who haven't got their stuff in the mail, and didn't have time to wait when they were here...

    I guess when you work for the public, you sorta just "ask" for this. I probably can't tell you anything that you already haven't experienced yourself.



    I feel like those calls have been kept to a minimum this year. That's not to say that I did not receive some, but some years you just want to pull your hair out.

    Actually, this whole season has gone very smooth for me. Last year, I was playing "catch-up" up to the last day and seriously thinking I would not finish up in time.

    Hang in there! Just two more to go and those pesky calls will stop...for awhile!



      I had a customer from last year call and asked two questions. One was should she file the 1040... my answer-sure why not. Next question was how much would I charge to do her state return. I told her the same as I charged to do her return last year. "Even if it is just the state return?".... Yep. She called back later saying she wanted me to her return because she had some employee expenses and medical. Then started to ask questions. I answered but did not go into deep detail. I told her to let me know if she wanted me to do the return and I would be filing a extension for her. She then asked what time she could come by

      Had a panic call from someone looking around "I've got to get my taxes done NOW!". I even had three call on Easter.

      So far I am doing good. Got about two more to finish and the rest are extensions. Made about 30% more than I did last year with new customers and I raised my prices slightly. I have had a very good tax season other than getting sick.


        Here's one

        I had a guy call me the first of Feb to ask if I could do his daughters taxes, he said she is a student, of course he's looking for a good price, I told him I don't charge much for students. The daughter calls a few days later I said, "You're student right?" she said "No I'm married have mortgage and so on, what will you charge me?" I said about X to XX but this is just a ballpark figure, end of conversation. This gal calls me last night wanting an appointment, I told her I was all used up for this year. I just don't understand people sometimes they want shop around and then come in under the wire.


          What Takes the Cake For Me

          is the two taxpayers who have told me that they thought they should get their returns done for free. The first lady was legally blind and this was before I ever heard of a monitor that could be used by a blind person. She said that since she was blind the government should pick up the tab for her return. I was working in a storefront office and I charged her the minimum I felt I could get by with in the system I was in. Actually, I think I did her two or three years. Anyway I eventually went out on my own and last year I had a lady call me up and indicate that she needed a "stimulus return" and was not in a position to pay. She had actually left me a voice message. When I got back to her she was not at all grateful that I had gone to the trouble of looking up the location of the VITA Office closest to her. I do returns in the homes of clients and she felt entitled to have me do hers in her home for free because she was needy

          I don't do free returns. I do simple returns in peoples' homes for less than they would pay if they went to a storefront office but I do ask that people with returns for which my charge is under $200 arrange with others for me to do two or three returns in one stop. I am also aware that free representation is not available in my area except through a clinic two freeway hours away so I have made an arrangement with that clinic. If people are able to satisfy the staff at that clinic that they truly are destitute and truly do have a matter requiring representation I am on the list of people to whom they may be referred so that they don't have to drive that far. But I have grown to be suspicious of those who openly ask for a free ride. Most don't deserve it and most of those who in my opinion truly deserve a free ride ask only to make payments or do work around my house and yard in exchange for the work they need.


            It's impossible to entirely eliminate time-wasting phone calls from some people, especially since that's how the initial contact is usually made. But one tactic that I keep promoting to help cut down on the unncessary calls is to migrate them to email at every opportunity. Regular clients who use email should be encouraged in every way possible to use it.

            When a potential new client calls, it's often easy to note the basics of their question, obtain their email address, and tell them you'll look into it and email a response. The response can also include your annual client letter and organizer, along with the Privacy Notice. it's also easy to attach copies of pages form publications or other info which might help answer the question. (Rules for a qualifying home office, for example)

            Granted this won't work in every situation, but for every client or potential client whom you can move over to email, you'll save yourself a lot of unnecessary telephone time now and in the future.
            Last edited by JohnH; 04-14-2009, 05:32 AM.
            "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


              They're everywhere!

              Originally posted by Snaggletooth View Post
              ...called us with a stupid question....
              Guy calls yesterday:

              T/P: Got my taxes done?
              BB: We're still holding it -- you were going to see about claiming that kid. Remember?
              T/P: Oh, we already checked on that -- he filed and claimed himself.
              BB: Well....(can't think of anything to say except "Dope! Did you ever think maybe you should let US know?")

              Originally posted by Snaggletooth View Post
              ...want free advice so they can do their taxes on TurboTax...
              T/P: You did our taxes last year, but we're using TurboTax now and it says "enter 2007 state tax refund."
              BB: Look on your last year's copy.
              T/P: We lost it.
              BB: You don't need it -- you didn't itemize last year (I remember them now -- there was a piddling fee I truly earned -- puttin' up with one thousand and one questions over a little bit o' nothin' as they made mountains out of molehills).
              T/P: Well, it says to enter it anyway.
              BB: Look, I can't do it now. If I have time I'll call you back.

              They're ticked off -- I can't help it and couldn't care less....



                The ones I already have on extension are calling the most.

                Are you going to finish my return by the 15th?

                I found two more checks

                It's the 14th. What's happening?

                My ex-wife says I should contribute more to our son's college expenses

                Will we file on time?

                My girlfriend just told me, and she KNOWS, that ALL the lawyers' fees I pay for my divorce are deductible.

                When will you submit my returns?

                What kind of red wine do you like?

                Can we file by the 15th?

                My boyfriend's (father of child) accountant asks -- this is today the 14th -- if you could prepare our son's tax return. (Kiddie tax)

                When are taxes due this year?


                  Originally posted by Lion View Post
                  The ones I already have on extension are calling the most.

                  Are you going to finish my return by the 15th?

                  I found two more checks

                  It's the 14th. What's happening?
                  You've got to train your clients better than this - seriously.
                  "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


                    I know

                    It's something about the extensions. They're sure if they just keep talking to me the extension will not be necessary. Unfortunately, most of the extensions were my getting so backed up that I started giving extensions 15 March to clients who were used to never hearing the word "extension" at Block. Next year I work a bit faster or get an assistant in sooner or.... I guess I need to let more calls go to voice mail.


                      I'm taking a real perverse pleasure in letting all calls go to voice mail today until I feel up to returning them. Maybe after lunch.


                        Customer emailed yesterday that his partner needed Schedule E's completed by atleast the end of this week for his tax return. It has to be filed because of daughter's college Fasfa. This is 5 rental properities. He said if I could not do it he would get his partner's accountant to do it. Email him back to let his partner's accountant do them.


                          Just a suggestion - here's what works for me with a lot of clients. I explain to them that the extension simply takes Apr 15 off the table as anything important. With the extension in, Apr 15 is no different that Apr 14 or Apr 16 - just another day.

                          The clients get worked up over "THE DATE" because the news media and (unfortunately) most tax preparers participate in the myth that it's somehow a critical or even especially important day. Convince them that the extension renders Apr 15 meaningless and then most of them will leave you alone. It has taken a while, but that's been my experience for many years. It also leaves me free to handle something truly unique or meaningful if it comes up, and I'm not dog tired & bleary-eyed while trying to do it.
                          Last edited by JohnH; 04-14-2009, 02:52 PM.
                          "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith



                            Had a friend call me this morning around 8:20. She was driving on her way to work and wondered if I could just answer a couple of tax questions for her. I told her I couldn't right then because I had to get my grandchildren to school (2 different schools) and get to the chiropractor's office by 8:45. I was up almost all last night with pain in my right hip and down my right leg. So she says "Oh, I am so sorry. I know how bad that can hurt. Can you answer just one question for me then?"
                            She wanted to know if she mailed the extension today and then actually got her taxes done by tomorrow night, would that be okay? Or would she have to wait till later to file if she did an extension?
                            I told her send in the extension. It wouldn't matter.

                            Another friend did hers on Turbo Tax and it didn't give her vouchers for estimated payments and she wanted to know what to do.

                            I don't need any more "friends".



                              I cringe at "quick" questions - why is it that when they say "I just have a quick question" you know they can ask it quick but it's seldom a quick answer!

