Client comes in today of course signs contracts drops paperwork and nothing is open. Always does this so this year we have a personal residence that she lost. I am a little confused she has a 1099-A and C here is the info:
1099-A 1099-C
Box 1 11-24-2008 11-24-2008
Box 2 $205,161.65 $205,161.65
box 3
Box 4 $55,010.00
Box 5 Yes Address
Box 6 Address Not Checked
Box 7 $55,010.00
Ok am I over thinking I know how to handle if I have one or the other but these seem to be the same amount came on the same day. So which one or both do I have to report? Does it really matter? Any help would be great. Thanks
1099-A 1099-C
Box 1 11-24-2008 11-24-2008
Box 2 $205,161.65 $205,161.65
box 3
Box 4 $55,010.00
Box 5 Yes Address
Box 6 Address Not Checked
Box 7 $55,010.00
Ok am I over thinking I know how to handle if I have one or the other but these seem to be the same amount came on the same day. So which one or both do I have to report? Does it really matter? Any help would be great. Thanks