Zee..I do because Obama is not keeping his campaign promises of change.
If you were hired by a company to clean up the errors of the past would you, in good conscience, allow past practices to continue because the mistakes were made then, or would you change the rules to fix the problems that you were hired to correct.
All of what has been done since 1/20 has been done by his administration. I don't see the changes he promised anywhere in his decisions. My feeling is....huge mistakes were made but this is a new start...fix them don't let them continue. taxea
If you were hired by a company to clean up the errors of the past would you, in good conscience, allow past practices to continue because the mistakes were made then, or would you change the rules to fix the problems that you were hired to correct.
All of what has been done since 1/20 has been done by his administration. I don't see the changes he promised anywhere in his decisions. My feeling is....huge mistakes were made but this is a new start...fix them don't let them continue. taxea