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TN Preparers

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    TN Preparers

    hey, there's not that many of us, but I would like to ask a question of you.

    TN is proud to be a "no-state-income-tax" state, but often the result of this means the rest of Tennessee's tax structure is out-of-balance. The Corporate tax, for example, is a double barreled "Franchise & Excise" tax which not only taxes profits, but also property values very heavily.

    The TN lawyering profession is enamoured with creating LLCs. They are creating LLCs for wet-weather springs, single vehicles, single buildings, etc. However, the lawyers rarely tell the owners that the LLC is taxable under the dreaded abovementioned F&E tax. I have had 4-5 clients in the last 2-3 yrs which have been infuriated when I prepare a TN corporate tax for their LLC, and since the lawyer never told them, then it is I who am assumed to be wrong.

    Essentially, the LLC invites the TN Dept of Revenue to a table to which they would otherwise be locked out. Upon discovery, one of my clients remarked that it's like "inviting a voluptuous 38-year-old redhead to an expensive restaurant, and then she brings along her 17-year-old son who is a walking stomach."

    My question to other TN preparers: Are there any situations where a Tennessee LLC would NOT be taxed as a corporation? I've had to deal with a couple infuriated clients in the recent 2-3 weeks. I've researched the TN Code annotated but can't read any guidance in either direction.
    Last edited by Nashville; 03-16-2009, 01:15 PM.

    I'm in your boat

    You're right, LLC's are stuck with TN FAE, minimum of $100, even if they have no assets and make no money. I know of no exceptions. Plus, they pay that annual $50 per member, minimum $300, LLC fee, or whatever it's called. And $20 Secretary of State Annual Report. Nice little income producer for state of TN, huh?

    I agree, it's like there's a big "LLC Frenzy" here. I tell people, especially SMLLC, you're better off having good liability insurance. And, guess what? Insurance companies actually PAY CLAIMS sometimes.

    People are so gullible. Think they can write off "everything" if they're an LLC or Corp. And they'll NEVER be sued...

    I had one guy, came in here with copy of SS-4 he did himself. "Friend at church", who is a lawyer, charged him to fill out the one page state Articles of Organization, but was nice enough to print the form SS-4 for client to fill out all by himself. Reason for applying: "I just wanted to LLC my business."

    Lawyer friend got his street address wrong on state application, BTW.
    If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.

