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Husband and Wife LLC

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    Husband and Wife LLC

    Does this need a 1065 partnership return? This was formed and husband is the worker, but wife is listed as partner. As I read it, only a one member LLC can be a disregarded entity and file like a sole prop. Am I correct?

    Yes, I agree with your conclusions. One LLC status is elected no more exceptions to filing form 1065.


      In this arrangement, the husband partner works and the wife is just part of the partnership, when I do the K-1's does she have to get a percentage, or ..could I give the husband a guaranteed payment of the money made, and then there would be no profit to divide. She could be a 50/50 partner without income or loss. Her K-1 would show no income. Is there a problem with that? I guess it wouldn't be a partnership if she wasn't a partial owner.


        They should have an operating agreement, which spells out the % of ownership and how profit, losses, credits are allocated. They don't have to follow the % of ownership.

        If only hubby does the actual work then he should receive a guaranteed payment which also should be documented.

