Client is a resident of Virginia.
Client does no work in Hawaii.
Employer is a Hawaii based company.
Hawaii taxes are withheld by Hawaii law unless an exception is applied for.
Client paid Virginia taxes and filed Non Res Hawaii, requesting all taxes w/h to be refunded.
Hawaii refused and billed him additional.
Cannot seem to get a straight answer from Hawaii or anyone else.
Question: Is it because the client is paid by a Hawaii based company that they require
the taxes to be paid by a non res? A non res who happens to earn some income in Hawaii from a company based elsewhere appears to be taxed in the usual manner ie only on the money earned in Hawaii.
In the unlikely event anyone has an explanation .....PLEASE help.
Client does no work in Hawaii.
Employer is a Hawaii based company.
Hawaii taxes are withheld by Hawaii law unless an exception is applied for.
Client paid Virginia taxes and filed Non Res Hawaii, requesting all taxes w/h to be refunded.
Hawaii refused and billed him additional.
Cannot seem to get a straight answer from Hawaii or anyone else.
Question: Is it because the client is paid by a Hawaii based company that they require
the taxes to be paid by a non res? A non res who happens to earn some income in Hawaii from a company based elsewhere appears to be taxed in the usual manner ie only on the money earned in Hawaii.
In the unlikely event anyone has an explanation .....PLEASE help.