Have a cash basis client that seems to have a never ending December 31 check register. Continued to write checks way in excess of the checkbook balance.
1. Since the client now has a whopping unusable loss, can I add back checks written dated 12/31 but never mailed out? That way the overdraft goes away and the size of the loss is decreased?
Since income is based on constructive receipt, would checks written but not mailed until later in 2009 be eligible to be added back to the check book balance and deducted in 2009?
On cash basis, an overdraft is not really supossed to be deducted in the first place. We are talking over $200,000 overdraft here.
1. Since the client now has a whopping unusable loss, can I add back checks written dated 12/31 but never mailed out? That way the overdraft goes away and the size of the loss is decreased?
Since income is based on constructive receipt, would checks written but not mailed until later in 2009 be eligible to be added back to the check book balance and deducted in 2009?
On cash basis, an overdraft is not really supossed to be deducted in the first place. We are talking over $200,000 overdraft here.