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    Got a flyer from the long-established publication for thumb-nail tax references. Trumpets a tagline of Born and Made in the U.S. for over 37 years --

    Amused by a WARNING on Page 1 of the flyer. "Don't be misled by imposters posing as Quickfinder or referring to us as 'Competitor Q.' We're the ORIGINAL!"

    You've got to wonder how "Original" they can be. Their entire writing staff during their successful growth years now writes for The Tax Book.

    "Born and made in the U.S.? Yes, but not even remotely located to where they were "born." the U.S.? yes, but was conglomerated into a unit headquartered in Canada and the U.K. Their current upline merged and has headquarters in NY.

    Wish no ill to these folks. Let them compete on the things that are important, but on taglines and soundbytes, you have to wonder which publication is "misleading" us.
    Last edited by Corduroy Frog; 01-13-2009, 07:46 PM.

    They wouldn’t be trying to look like an American company if it wasn’t hurting their business. The Quickfinder is owned by Thomson Reuters, a Canadian/British corporation traded on both the Canadian and UK stock exchanges. TheTaxBook is owned by Tax Materials, Inc., a Minnesota privately held small business corporation which was founded by former members of the Quickfinder editorial staff in 2005.


      So Bees, you must be cutting into "Qs" books big time. Go,Go, Go..................
      Last edited by BOB W; 01-14-2009, 11:35 AM.
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        I received the same ad yesterday and tossed it --I have no interest in switching from The Tax Book. Can't wait for the WebCD to ship!


          i received the quickfinder catalog yesterday too, in looking at it quick i was looking for what looked like what i had ordered here and i didnt see it, so, i saw this thread . i pulled it out of trash, now i'm wondering where did they get my address?


            I believe IRS either gives or sells your name, as a preparer.
            This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

            Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.

