"I understood him to be saying that there are some wrong things on tax returns that the IRS actively searches for and others that it only acts on when circumstances force it to acknowledge the existence of a situation and that qualifications to be married are in the latter category."
This is all very true, but do you want to be the preparer that knowingly violates tax law because you know this is one of the issues that they don't dwell on? It isn't any different then allowing your child to be taken as a dependent of someone that does not qualify to take the child because they want the EIC or whatever. Not me, thank you taxes
This is all very true, but do you want to be the preparer that knowingly violates tax law because you know this is one of the issues that they don't dwell on? It isn't any different then allowing your child to be taken as a dependent of someone that does not qualify to take the child because they want the EIC or whatever. Not me, thank you taxes