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EA renewal period

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    EA renewal period

    Since my SS# ends in 9 my renewal period ends on 1/31/09 (according to NAEA). Does this mean that I have until 1/31/09 to complete my CE for the renewal period or is all of it supposed to be done by 12/31/08?

    Does anyone have a link to a GOOD description of the EA renewal/CE rules?

    Thanks and Merry Christmas!

    Usually, you should get a letter in the mail from the IRS reminding you to renew. I get mine last month.



      good question

      That is a good question.
      I have been trying to find out the time frame for CPE's. I think it is calendar year. But I have been trying to find out if January 2008 CPE's are included in 2008 credits. I have 2 Ethics credits in January and 1 in Sept. So I don't know if I need another one or not.

      I also know that IRS and NAEA have different requirements but I am not sure how they are different.

      Any help is appreciated. Tried calling NAEA and got a recording to leave a message but mailbox was full.



        calendar year

        I just got my renewal letter - but it's at work - but I recall that there has recently been a switch to a calendar year for CPE in an effort to standardize for everyone.


          Enrollment year means 01/01/XX to 12/31/XX

          A minimum of 16 hours of continuing education credit, including 2 hours of ethics or professional conduct, must be completed during each enrollment year of an enrollment cycle.

          See page 9:


            Not whole picture

            Unless it has changed, and I don't think it has, here is what was listed on the form 8554 for renewal in January of 2008:

            "You must complete 72 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) over the three-year enrollment cycle to remain active. Each year you must take a minimum of 16 hours of CPE including at least 2 hours of Ethics CPE.
            Exception: If this is your first renewal, you only have to take 2 hours of CPE for each month you were enrolled."

            So, even though you can get by with 16hrs in a year, you must make it up somewhere to get to an average of 24 per year over the three year period in order to have the 72 hours.

            The NAEA requires 30 hours CPE per year.

            Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".



              If you're an NAEA member, each of your magazines offers 2-4 credits if you take the tests. If you didn't keep your mags, visit the archives on the web site. Even non-members can purchase CPE for a few dollars more than members.


                I renewed last year for the first time and was never in any way asked to document my continuing education (which I had). Is it normally a random audit or do they normally check every year?

                I do a yearly Krusemark course so that I have easy documentation of my CE.


                  I have renewed 3 times and have never been asked to prove CPE, which I can. So, it must be a random thing.

                  Only in government or politics is a "cut in spending" really an increase. It's just not as much of an increase as they wanted it to be, therefore a "cut".


                    At one time

                    there was a way to get continuing ed credit by passing a current year's SEE during an enrollment cycle. If that is still available, how does it work?

