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American Experience on public TV last evening

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    American Experience on public TV last evening

    My wife and I watched a program on TV last night about the Crash of '29, which was fascinating. We were amazed at the similarities then to now. If we had no sound or visual and were just reading text of the program, we thought we'd be seeing current news. I'm a little too young to have lived through this, but have heard recent reports about the similarities.

    In this link, there are 8 chapters of the program, which is an hour long. It does not get into the Great Depression, which came after the new year.

    Last edited by DTS; 11-12-2008, 12:28 AM. Reason: spelling

    Dennis> Very interesting show..............I wonder if the Dems were handing out free morgages to the under privledged back than also. Oh wait, there was no Fanny Mae or Freddy Mack back then. Forget what I just said.
    Last edited by BOB W; 11-11-2008, 11:41 PM.
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      Yes, we thought is was interesting, as well. Provided more detail on some things we did not know.


        Blame the Dems

        Why is it so convenient to always blame the Dems. The past 8 years have been a free ride for banks, oil companies and generally big business; we are devoid of ideas, innovation and creativity. Gee, the Dems have controlled Congress for less than 2 years. Sure, blame them when you can't admit your own failures.


          Originally posted by Greenbriar View Post
          Gee, the Dems have controlled Congress for less than 2 years.
          It only took 2 Years???? Good grief.................Have you heard of Barney Frank???
          Last edited by BOB W; 11-12-2008, 05:33 PM.
          This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

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            Barney Frank

            That's your best shot? Good grief!


              Originally posted by Greenbriar View Post
              That's your best shot? Good grief!

              No it is not, but lets not get into a gotcha thread and leave it where it is.
              This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

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                I wonder if the Dems were handing out free morgages to the under privledged back than also.
                Yes. It started w/ FDR's "New Deal", an idea he stole from Lincoln. Once the New Deal was implemented, the Republican Party went from the party of big govt to the party of not as big govt. The Democrat Party went from being the party of small govt to the party of big govt.
                "Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society." ~ Mark Skousen

