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Hourly Rates

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    Hourly Rates

    All the talk of billing has left me wondering if I charge my clients enough. Does anyone know of any good resources for determing what an average rate is based on region, type of work, and experience? My tax return prep is pretty well priced (from my perspective as a non-cpa non-ea (though I'm working on the latter), but my hourly for my other services (payroll, bookkeeping, accounting, etc) just seems off. Thanks!
    "Congress has spoken to this issue through its audible silence."
    Anyone ever notice they beat the daylights out of the definition of a child, but they don't spend much time at all defining "parent"?

    I think the best way to answer this question is to get on the phone and call some of your competitors, and then consider where you want to position yourself and what kind of clients you want- the cheapest provider will get the clients that you don't want!

    I'm trying to phase out the bookkeeping/payroll side of my business so I make sure for those that I still provide those services to, that I charge enough to make it worthwhile for me.

