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W-2/1099 Forms

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    W-2/1099 Forms


    I assume that most of us (including me) don't use these government-issue multi-copy carbon W-2s and 1099's anymore and, if not doing them electronically, we buy laser-printer single sheets from commercial suppliers.

    The reason I order in some every year is it's good public relations. Every year some small business operator comes by asking for a few forms and I oblige them for free (unless it's a professional moocher year-after-year). Although most requesters won't be back, now and then you'll pick up a small C ($100-$250) from a frugal type who's having the spouse make up W-2s/1099s. They would do the tax return too, but haven't got the smarts and now you (Mr./Ms. Nice Guy/Guyess) are the individual who comes to mind when their overhead light bulb blinks "INCOME TAX."

    The forms cost you nothing, the requester wasn't going to pay you to do them anyway, and you might get a tax return. If not, there's still a fair chance they'll talk nice about your service around town.


      Very good idea

      We do the same.

      I would only add when you hand over the forms remember to say "good luck" with an appropriate sympathetc expression.

      Doubt is a very powerful tool.
      Last edited by veritas; 11-03-2008, 09:17 PM.


        Brings to mind

        Originally posted by veritas View Post

        ...when you hand over the forms remember to say "good luck"...
        a story (of course).

        Years ago my garage business client (excellent customer/nice guy) decided he'd save a few bucks and have his wife (also very nice, but completely clueless) do the six employees' W-2s I'd been doing (I couldn't complain/$50 loss out of $1,200 total). A little sheepishly, he asked if I'd "coach her a little." I agreed, gave them plenty of forms (for practice), and she phoned with just one question: "How many copies do the employees get?" "Three." I replied.

        Come April she drops off the garage books and proudly shows me copies of her hand-written (common at the time) W-2s. Puzzled, I asked why she had three D (employer) copies for every employee. Said she'd followed my instructions exactly and made three W-2 forms for each employee.

        BB: "And, uh...I suppose you've already mailed those three red copies for each man to the social security office?"
        She: "Oh yes. I sent them in immediately. I take care of business."

        Talk about a mess.


          Many years ago

          an individual came into my office and asked for forms for multiple rentals. He had recently aquired 9 or 10 properties. I gathered together several forms for federal, state and local and handed him a thick stack. He thanked me for the forms and when he was starting to depart I called out "good luck". My expression was probably more along the lines of a Cheshire cat.

          He returned soon after and has been a client for nearly 20 years. Those free forms have garnered us thousands.

