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Anyone used Taxwise Online?

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    Anyone used Taxwise Online?

    I am a Income tax consultant and some of my clients want to use Taxwise Online. I currently use Taxwise and I have problems sometimes with their servers going down. I would be scared to death of the Online server going down and not even being able to prepare returns and losing customers.

    Anyone have any experience with Taxwise, then migrate to Taxwise Online?



    Taxwise on Line

    I have used both Taxwise and Interview plus and agree they do have server problems almost every tax season.What would be the advantages of using online version?


      The only benefits of "on line" programs is that you do not have to maintain the tax program, you can access your files anywhere and in house loss of client data.

      This not enough of a benefit when you consider the short tax season (winter) when even a loss of a day's production will have on your "satisfied client' base. I say NO NO NO.
      This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

      Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


        A lot of the online tax programs are also designed for specialized markets where the preparer doesn't do tax as their main business. But rather does it as a value added service (like if Money Tree were to do taxes, that kind of thing.)

        Or they're consumer based product (like turbotax online).

        As such an online tax program might put a lower priority on up time because their target customer wouldn't be screwed if it goes down for a few hours here and there. It also may be more limited in what it is capable of doing, handling fewer forms and only more basic returns.


          As far as online access

          Since it is very easy to remotely connect to your office compter there is no advantage in having online sofware, at least from that perspective.

