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Stimulous Deadline 10-15-08 - Failed EF

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    Stimulous Deadline 10-15-08 - Failed EF

    I have a client who filed electronically on October 15th.
    Return was rejected due to a dependent filing a return unbeknownest to the primary filer.

    I could not re-file the return because intellitax shut down on the 15th {according to TRX}.
    So, will this return be rejected for Stimulous because it was not filed by the 15th?
    They state I have to submit a paper return.....


    Matthew Jones
    Tax Preparation
    Computer Consultant

    Tax Season is here!
    Make sure everything is working, extra ink or toner is available, Advil in top drawer!

    Efile is still available for rejected returns through 10/20. That deadline is of course passed. So TRX is right that at this point you have to paper file. It isn't because IntelliTax shut down, it's because the IRS stopped accepting rejected individual returns on the 20th. If you had gotten acknowledgments on say, the 16th you could have transmitted it electronically.

    You could also mail in a rejected return and have it timely filed. I'm pretty sure the deadline for that is passed as well.

    So yes, they have to paper file (assuming they have a requirement to file). They probably won't get the stimulus payment this year. There is a credit on the 2008 tax return for those who didn't get it in 2007, so they'll have to wait until next year. It's based on 2008 tax year income/return though, so hopefully they're not losing any dependents or qualifying for a smaller amount.

    It's good practice to check for acknowledgments on all electronically transmitted returns. Until you have an acknowledgment that the return was accepted or rejected don't consider it as filed because it may not have been. I don't even file them into the "filed" file cabinet until after that ack is in.

