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Word of caution for businesses that hire illegal aliens.

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    Word of caution for businesses that hire illegal aliens.

    We all know that a business is required to fill out an I-9 whenever they hire a new employee. We also know that a business is NOT required to do a background check to prove the employee is here legally. Thus, many illegal immigrants can get jobs simply by using fake IDs, and the employer is off the hook.

    The problem is, what happens when the illegal immigrant gets in trouble and the news media gets a hold of the story?

    This is the story of one such illegal immigrant who ran a stop sign, hit a school bus, and killed four children. Everyone in MN is out for blood. The business that hired this illegal immigrant is now being mentioned in the news as cooperating with authorities trying to determine her identity, as she won’t tell anyone what her real name is.

    The public does not understand that the business owner is not required to do a background check. The business may have done everything required when hiring this person. Still, the business gets dragged into the story and is now associated with this tragedy.